Drones are now seen pretty much everywhere - from real estate to construction sites and even wildlife management. Australia is slowly but surely warming up to the idea of these amazing machines. I am pleased to see more and more AEC companies switching to drones for construction inspections. If you are looking

Professionals working in the Australian mining sector have quickly realized how drones are a game changer. Drones add significant value to the mining industry in terms of data accuracy, site efficiency and worksite safety. With drones, site engineers can capture both terrain and subterranean information deep underground, to give an accurate

Visual inspections have been an important part of both commercial and domestic projects. And regular roof inspections help building owners and managers with property management and maintenance. Traditionally, these inspections were quite expensive and time consuming. And not to mention, drone inspections can be dangerous as you have to walk along slippery

How accurate is a drone survey? This is perhaps one of the most common question we get from our clients. A construction site is a world unto itself with so many contractors doing different things every minute its hard to keep track of who’s who in the zoo.On a typical day

To an outsider, road construction might look deceptively simple. Surely, it cannot be as complicated as designing a multi-storey building or developing an industrial site or building large infrastructure right? Talk to any civil engineer and you’ll uncover a wide range of technical and practical aspects that impact road construction projects. Like any

Construction is the third largest industry in Australia, comprising over 9% of the total GDP. Given its immense impact on Australian economy, it’s shocking how slow and reluctant construction companies have been in embracing cutting-edge digital technologies. According to a report by the Office of Chief Economist, the construction sector still heavily

Traditionally conducting asset and building inspections of large assets and tall buildings have been time-consuming and dangerous for those responsible for periodic or preventative maintenance inspections as it involves careful safety planning, approvals, permits, heavy equipment and appropriately trained personnel to operate safely when working at heights.